18.38. A “services not allocated” item is included in the BOP-DSD because it is part of the reporting requirements of ECB and Eurostat for the quarterly Balance of Payments (QBOP) and of the requirements by Eurostat, OECD and the Statistical Division for annual international trade in services data.[1] However, such a category is not included in the QBOP data reporting requirement of IMF. Consequently, for countries that use the category “services not allocated”, the individual services items will not add up to the total services in their report to IMF. In that case, the compiler should indicate in the metadata provided to the agencies that that total services do not correspond to the sum of the main services items owing to the presence of some transactions that are impossible to allocate across services. Table 18.2 presents an example of data reporting in such a case.
Back to: D. Metadata standards of international and regional organizations
[1] By detailed partner countries for the former and by detailed EBOPS 2010 for the latter.