Country experience: France: characteristics of international visitors and tourism trips
7.77. In France, a border survey is conducted every quarter (20,000 questionnaires) by a private subcontractor. Entitled Enquête auprès des visiteurs venant de l’étranger (EVE), the survey permits the collection of quantitative data on trips (same-day visits included) in France by non-resident visitors, and is conducted just before they leave French territory. One major purpose is to collect data on the physical flows of non-resident visitors (arrivals, tourist nights, same-day visitors, etc., broken down by country of usual residence). Another major purpose is to provide data requested by the statistical service of the central bank, Banque de France, for use in estimating the travel receipts item for the French BOP. The survey also collects data requested for French tourism market analysis (categorical data on non-resident visitors, main purposes of trip, places visited in France, activities during the stay, types of accommodation, modes of transport used, etc.). The General Directorate for Competitiveness, Industry and Services is interested in both monetary and non-monetary variables. The sample is stratified in order to calculate results for 22 countries or groups of countries. Manual headcounts are conducted and EVE questionnaires are used at the same locations, except in the case of questionnaires relating to travel by road, which are used at car parks along motorways near the French border. Dates of arrival and departure are indicated by the respondent.
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