C. Comparing data sources
4.16. Chapter 11 provides comparison tables on the advantages and disadvantages of each type of data source in the context of compiling specific service categories, FATS and the number of mode 2 and mode 4 movements. The chapter addresses the coverage and relevance of each data source, the accuracy of reporting, the timeliness and frequency of the source and the burdens of reporting and processing the data involved. In guiding compilers in determining which data sources are most appropriate to use on a case-by-case basis, the chapter also lays the foundation for the discussion of the integration of data from different sources, introduced in part III, chapter 13. Integrating data from different sources is advised as the principle way to ensure the production of more detailed and comprehensive statistics, as well as to reduce the burden on survey respondents. Compilers are advised, therefore, to keep that goal in mind while reading part II.
Back to Chapter 4 Introduction and overview of data sources within the modes of services supply framework