C.1. Variables to be disseminated
20.13. MSITS 2010 contains recommendations with respect to the kinds of data variables that should be considered for dissemination. Taking into account the elaboration of the data and metadata variables provided in the present Guide, countries are encouraged to organize their dissemination policy as follows:
(a) Statistics on the value of trade in services between residents and non-residents It is recommended that the full detailed annual value data be broken down by (a) direction of trade flows (exports and imports), (b) EBOPS 2010, by the 12 first level categories as a minimum, but preferably by all relevant subcategories, (c) trading partners, (d) relation between the parties and (e) modes of supply, if such data are compiled or if an allocation is performed following the recommended procedures contained in chapter 14 of the present Guide. It is good practice to disseminate on a quarterly basis the main aggregates of such data (in particular for exports and imports, by main EBOPS 2010 categories and by main trading partners). It is also good practice to disseminate preliminary estimates of available or priority aggregates monthly. Compilers should ensure coherence among disseminated data sets and should closely coordinate the dissemination of the statistics with that of BOP statistics;
(b) FATS The selection of variables that should be disseminated is dependent on the quality assessment of the compiled variables and the information needs of the country. However, efforts should be made to disseminate the basic variables identified in MSITS 2010 and elaborated in chapter 15 of the present Guide, namely sales (turnover) and/or output; employment; value added; exports and imports of goods and services; and number of enterprises. As a priority, given their relative ease of production, and the primary interest of users, data should be disseminated for (a) sales (turnover) and/or output, (b) employment and (c) number of enterprises. It is recommended that the data to be disseminated be broken down by (a) direction of investment (outward and inward FATS); (b) activity according to ICFA rev.1 or on a compatible basis such as ISIC rev.4; (c) if possible, for output or sales by product, using a classification system compatible with EBOPS 2010, but if not achievable as a minimum compiling total goods and total services for each activity; and (d) partner (economy of affiliate operations for outward, UCI for inward). For sales/output, if possible, services rendered to residents of the economy of establishment of the affiliate should be identified. FATS statistics should ideally be disseminated at least on an annual basis for variables deemed to be the most important (i.e., priority variables). The corresponding structural and reference metadata items should also be made available (see chapter 18);
(c) Dissemination Countries are further advised to disseminate resident/non-resident trade in services and FATS sales/output data in a common report;
(d) Non-monetary indicators, in particular on the supply of services by modes 2 and 4 These include data on the number of persons crossing borders (or trips), broken down by several classification criteria appropriate for such modes. For countries that have not started compiling trade in services by mode, a possible alternative would be to perform a “conceptual” allocation, as presented in chapter 14, section C. It is good practice to concentrate, at a minimum, on disseminating statistics on an annual basis, using the breakdowns suggested in chapter 16. However, given the strong link of that information with trade and labour mobility policy, it could be of interest to also envisage the compilation of information for shorter periods, for instance on a quarterly basis, at least for main aggregates. Countries are also advised to pay special attention to the dissemination of the relevant structural and reference metadata in order to ensure the correct interpretation of the data. For the other statistics described in chapter 16, section D, given that those are compiled by statisticians in other statistical domains, no particular dissemination practices are detailed in the present Guide other than the general principles described above (see also chapter 20, section D).
Next: C.2. Timeliness