C.2. Transportation surveys
6.30. Enterprise and establishment surveys of resident and non-resident carriers are important sources of transport services data. Often the agents of the operators will have to be approached to collect relevant data, in particular for imports of transport services. When considering data collection it is important to note that MSITS 2010 follows BPM6 in recommending a cross-classification of transport services by mode of transport and by kind of service. There are different modes of transport to consider, such as maritime/sea, air, rail, road and internal waterway transport. The types of services covered are the transport of passengers, freight and other supporting and auxiliary transport services. Some modes of transport, given the smaller number of operators or agents, may be easier to survey (air, maritime, rail or inland waterway transport) than others (road). In addition, given their specific nature, special forms or enquiries may need to be designed for space or pipeline transport, as well as for electricity transmission. For those three sectors, the number of entities to which the surveys should be addressed is also often limited.
6.31. An important point to consider is that operators, which are the providers of the transport service, in many cases differ from the owner of the transport equipment. In addition, when defining the residence of the operator, the country of registration of ships and aircraft may also differ from that of the operator or the owner. Charters or vessels without crew (i.e., operational leasing services) also need to be differentiated from charters of vessels with crew (i.e., transport services). Such considerations render the collection of data complex, but clear notes referring to relevant information can be collected. Specific surveys should be sent to the operators (i.e., as the providers/exporters of the transport service) of each category of modes of transport and, if relevant, with a distinction between the transport of passengers and the transport of goods. Exports of such services are identified in resident operators’ activities, while imports are identified in non-resident operators’ activities. Compilers may face difficulties in getting a representative coverage of the non-resident carriers’ activities. However, when transport is regulated in a country (air transportation being the best example), non-resident carriers must be registered to operate, and they typically establish branches or agents in that country. Such entities, in principle, know or have access to the information necessary to the compilers. Thus, compilers could send survey questionnaires to those branches or agents to collect information on imports of services. Transport surveys are often also used to gather related information, such as on auxiliary and supporting services and leasing services or on fuels and provisions provided to carriers (goods). The BPM6 Compilation Guide proposes model forms 8 and 9 (appendix 8) that could be used as a guide for designing survey forms related to transport services. (See BPM6 Compilation Guide, paragraphs 3.21 through3.52 for more information.) In designing the survey forms, it will also be necessary to factor in the country of residence of clients (for exports) and of operators (for imports), as well as other dimensions, if identified as necessary.
6.32. Many users, in particular for the purposes of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) purposes, would need information on the real value of international freight transport services contracts (i.e. with no adjustment for either the free on board (FOB)/FOB valuation of goods in BOP, or the FOB/cost, insurance, freight (CIF) valuation in merchandise trade statistics). These are, in fact, the data that are collected in transport surveys. Compilers are encouraged to use the raw data that may be collected from freight transportation companies or their agents to make publicly available supplementary estimates of the “real” trade in freight transport services taking place between residents and non-residents.[1]
Include page: Country experience: Chile
Next: C.3. Manufacturing services surveys
[1] See chapter 14 and MSITS 2010, paras. 3.107-3.110.