5.1. A statistical business register (SBR) is commonly understood as a register of economic units resident in the national economic territory. An SBR is established and maintained for statistical purposes; for example, it provides a central sampling frame for business surveys and plays a central role in the integrated collection and compilation of economic statistics, from which detailed and interlinked indicators can be derived. Chapter 5 focuses on how business registers and survey frames can be used in the context of data collection of resident/non-resident trade in services, FATS and modes of supply. It consists of four main parts: a summary of good practices (section A); the roles and characteristics of SBRs and survey frames (section B); a satellite register for trade in services and the use of business registers to identify potential mode 4 self-employed service suppliers (section C); and country examples (section D).
- A. Summary of good practices (Chapter 5)
- B. Statistical business registers
- B.1. Roles of statistical business registers
- B.2. The statistical business register as the central sample frame
- B.3. Characteristics of a statistical business register
- B.4. Creation and maintenance of a statistical business register
- B.5. Governance of a statistical business register
- B.6. Maintenance of an statistical business register
- C. Satellite register for trade in services and the use of statistical business registers to identify potential mode 4 self-employed service suppliers
- D. Country experiences (Chapter 5)