8.1. One of the sources used for statistics on international trade in services is the international transactions reporting system (ITRS). Chapter 8 describes how the ITRS can be used and discusses its advantages and disadvantages as a data source. It should be noted that MSITS 2010 and the present Compiler’s Guide deal with the use of the ITRS for the compilation of statistics on international trade in services. In doing so, they are consistent with the IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Compilation Guide) that discusses the ITRS[1] as a source for compiling BOP and international investment position statistics.
[1] See BPM6 Compilation Guide for more information on the use of the international transactions reporting system (ITRS) for other parts of the balance of payments at http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/bop/2007/bop6comp.htm.