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B. Factors to consider in data and metadata dissemination
- imts2010-compilers-manual
- part5
- metadata
- dissemination
- chapter26
- reference_period
- trade_flow
- commodity_code
- commodity_classification
- classification
- partner_attribution
- country_of_origin
- country_of_last_known_destination
- country_of_consignment
- cif
- fob
- mode_of_transport
- quantity
- quantity_units
- supplementary_quantity
- supplementary_quantity_unit
- customs_procedure_codes
- sdmx
- re-exports
- re-imports
- timeliness
- users
- confidentiality
- coherence
- revision_policy
- revisions
- country-experience
- germany
- brazil
- canada
- philippines
B. Detailed description of the elements of the statistical territory
- imts2010-compilers-manual
- part2
- data_compilation
- chapter6
- statistical_territory
- law_of_the_sea
- country-experience
- brazil
- european_union
- revised_kyoto_convention
- free_circulating_area
- territorial_waters
- continental_shelf
- export_processing_zone
- customs_warehouses
- premises_for_inward_processing
- territorial_enclaves
- overseas_territories
- duty-free_shop