19.29. Validated responses provided by respondents at the individual company (micro) level must be aggregated to higher (macro) levels for further review and evaluation and, ultimately, public release. For universe (benchmark) surveys, validated microdata (including estimated values for non-respondents) can simply be summed over all units. For sample surveys or other non-benchmark surveys, aggregation of microdata will depend primarily on how the sample was selected and the associated sample weighting factors used to develop universe estimates. For a probability sample with weights, individual values are multiplied by the weighting factor, and the weighted values are summed. For cut-off surveys or other surveys not based on probability samples, growth factors can be used to extrapolate the aggregate value forward from the most recent benchmark year, using values from a matched sample for adjacent years. That method assumes that the growth rates for the firms in the matched sample are representative of growth for firms that were excluded from the sample because they fall below the sample cut-off threshold.
Include page: Country experience: Ireland (Chapter 19)
Next: D. Quality measurement and reporting
[1] Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/dnss/QualityNQAF/nqaf.aspx.
[2] More information can be found in the ECE “Guide to measuring global production” (chapter 6).
[3] See chapter 21 for more information on the use of information and communications technology.