A. Summary of good practices
6.2. Enterprise and establishment surveys can be used to provide data for the full range of resident and non-resident services transactions, as well as for FATS and additional indicators on the international supply of services. Such surveys should always be based on clearly defined objectives, a sound sampling framework and collection methodology and a well-established legal basis. Compilers are advised to take into account the suggestions for creating and updating a survey frame, in chapter 2 of the BPM6 Compilation Guide, the steps for developing and conducting an enterprise survey, in box 2.1, and the model survey forms provided in appendix 8. It is good practice to provide clear and simple instructions and explanatory notes to respondents on the information to be submitted.
6.3. Compilers can conduct general enterprise or establishment surveys, which usually cover most or all services that can potentially be delivered or consumed by enterprises, but it is good practice to consider the need for, and use of, focused surveys for specific service categories, such as manufacturing services, transportation, research and development and finance and insurance. Such focused surveys allow the compiler to capture very detailed information for a specific service category and related transactions without imposing a response burden on enterprises or establishments that are not involved in a particular service. In such focused surveys, compilers are advised to ensure that forms take into account the specificities of individual services categories, such as, for transportation services, the mode of transport.
6.4. It is suggested that FATS compilers collect data via structural business statistics (SBS) (inward FATS only), FDI or designated FATS surveys, weighing their respective costs and benefits, as described in chapter 15, and to include in their survey forms at least the main FATS variables of interest, as identified in MSITS 2010 (including revenues or turnover, employment and value added). Given that output is a preferred measure to sales or turnover, it is also important for relevant information to be collected to enable the compilation of that item. Compilers should ensure that the data sources enable, at a minimum, the relevant breakdowns of information by services activities and country of origin or destination of control. In addition, compilers should consider, for revenues or output, that services products (at least a total) and the destination of sales in the country of establishment of the affiliate can be separately identified. For compilers for whom the collection of such details is difficult when starting the collection of FATS, it is important to establish
a gradual approach, focusing first on the information of primary interest to the economy.
6.5. Compilers should consider that, for certain services sectors, it may be logical to use a single survey to respond to various information needs, such as trade in services and FDI and FATS). This could be applicable, in particular, for construction activities.
Next: B. General purpose and description of enterprise or establishment surveys