C.1. Introduction
14.378. MSITS 2010 recommends that statistics on the international supply of services also be broken down by mode of supply on the basis of the resident/non-resident trade in services and FATS statistical frameworks. FATS output data for services should be used to measure mode 3, whereas the resident/non-resident trade in services data need to be broken down by mode. Different options exist to compile such information, either via a simplified allocation of EBOPS 2010 categories, or on the basis of collected data. The present section describes those options in more detail (it should be noted that deriving modes of supply using a data model is also a possibility; that option is described in chapter 17).
14.379. The present section starts with an explanation of the MSITS 2010 recommendation that, in the absence of special data collection, compilers use a simplified (mechanical) allocation of FATS and balance of payments data to modes of supply.[1] (C.2). Subsequently, given that the goal is ultimately to implement data collection and the compilation of a breakdown of the international supply of services by mode of supply on the basis of collected data, section C.3 describes the steps compilers can take to set up such data collection in the most efficient and policy-relevant manner. Section C.4 concludes with suggestions on how more detailed information regarding modes 2 and 4 can be compiled.
Next: C.2. Resident/non-resident trade in services data by mode of supply: a simplified allocation