Country experience: European Union member states
7.44. The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) programme provides an example of the possible benefits (at the time of writing, unexploited) of cooperation at the regional level of producing labour migration or mode 4 statistics for mutual benefit, given that all member countries of the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) have coordinated reasonably well their labour force surveys.[1] An additional illustration is the European Working Conditions Survey,[2] which provides an overview of working conditions in Europe using different indicators for working conditions of both employees and the self-employed. The combination of the employment status and the demographic indicators, both included in the survey, is potentially useful for compiling mode 4 statistics.
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[1] For more detailed information on the results, common practices, methods and definitions of the European Labour Force Survey, see the dedicated section on Eurostat's website from
[2] See source: